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101-400 Exam Questions - Online Test

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Q1. - (Topic 3) 

What is the maximum niceness value that a regular user can assign to a process with the nice command when executing a new process? 

A. 9 

B. 19 

C. 49 

D. 99 


Q2. - (Topic 1) 

What of the following statements are true regarding /dev/ when using udev? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. Entries for all possible devices get created on boot even if those devices are not connected. 

B. Additional rules for udev can be created by adding them to /etc/udev/rules.d/. 

C. When using udev, it is not possible to create block or character devices in /dev/ using mknod. 

D. The /dev/ directory is a filesystem of type tmpfs and is mounted by udev during system startup. 

E. The content of /dev/ is stored in /etc/udev/dev and is restored during system startup. 

Answer: B,D 

Q3. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following is the device file name for the second partition on the only SCSI drive? 

A. /dev/hda1 

B. /dev/sda2 

C. /dev/sd0a2 

D. /dev/sd1p2 


Q4. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 2) 

Which Debian package management tool asks the configuration questions for a specific already installed package just as if the package were being installed for the first time? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.) 

Answer: dpkg-reconfigure 

Q5. - (Topic 2) 

Which of the following options is used in a GRUB Legacy configuration file to define the amount of time that the GRUB menu will be shown to the user? 

A. hidemenu 

B. splash 

C. timeout 

D. showmenu 


Q6. - (Topic 3) 

Regarding the command: 

nice -5 /usr/bin/prog 

Which of the following statements is correct? 

A. /usr/bin/prog is executed with a nice level of -5. 

B. /usr/bin/prog is executed with a nice level of 5. 

C. /usr/bin/prog is executed with a priority of -5. 

D. /usr/bin/prog is executed with a priority of 5. 


Q7. - (Topic 3) 

What happens after issuing the command vi without any additional parameters? 

A. vi starts and loads the last file used and moves the cursor to the position where vi was when it last exited. 

B. vi starts and requires the user to explicitly either create a new or load an existing file. 

C. vi exits with an error message as it cannot be invoked without a file name to operate on. 

D. vi starts in command mode and opens a new empty file. 

E. vi starts and opens a new file which is filled with the content of the vi buffer if the buffer contains text. 


Q8. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following commands reboots the system when using SysV init? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. shutdown -r now 

B. shutdown -r "rebooting" 

C. telinit 6 

D. telinit 0 

E. shutdown -k now "rebooting" 

Answer: A,C 

Q9. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following commands makes /bin/foo executable by everyone but writable only by its owner? 

A. chmod u=rwx,go=rx /bin/foo 

B. chmod o+rwx,a+rx /bin/foo 

C. chmod 577 /bin/foo 

D. chmod 775 /bin/foo 


Q10. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following commands changes the number of days before the ext3 filesystem on /dev/sda1 has to run through a full filesystem check while booting? 

A. tune2fs -d 200 /dev/sda1 

B. tune2fs -c 200 /dev/sda1 

C. tune2fs -i 200 /dev/sda1 

D. tune2fs -n 200 /dev/sda1 

E. tune2fs --days 200 /dev/sda1 
