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AWS-SysOps Exam Questions - Online Test

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Q1. - (Topic 2) 

A user has created a VPC with CIDR The user has created public and VPN only subnets along with hardware VPN access to connect to the user’s datacenter. The user wants to make so that all traffic coming to the public subnet follows the organization’s proxy policy. How can the user make this happen? 

A. Setting up a NAT with the proxy protocol and configure that the public subnet receives traffic from NAT 

B. Settin up a proxy policy in the internet gateway connected with the public subnet 

C. It is not possible to setup the proxy policy for a public subnet 

D. Setting the route table and security group of the public subnet which receives traffic from a virtual private gateway 



The user can create subnets within a VPC. If the user wants to connect to VPC from his own data centre, he can setup public and VPN only subnets which uses hardware VPN access to connect with his data centre. When the user has configured this setup, it will update the main route table used with the VPN-only subnet, create a custom route table and associate it with the public subnet. It also creates an internet gateway for the public subnet. By default the internet traffic of the VPN subnet is routed to a virtual private gateway while the internet traffic of the public subnet is routed through the internet gateway. The user can set up the route and security group rules. These rules enable the traffic to come from the organization’s network over the virtual private gateway to the public subnet to allow proxy settings on that public subnet. 

Q2. - (Topic 3) 

A user is trying to create a PIOPS EBS volume with 8 GB size and 200 IOPS. Will AWS create the volume? 

A. Yes, since the ratio between EBS and IOPS is less than 30 

B. No, since the PIOPS and EBS size ratio is less than 30 

C. No, the EBS size is less than 10 GB 

D. Yes, since PIOPS is higher than 100 



A provisioned IOPS EBS volume can range in size from 10 GB to 1 TB and the user can provision up to 4000 IOPS per volume. The ratio of IOPS provisioned to the volume size requested should be a maximum of 30; for example, a volume with 3000 IOPS must be at least 100 GB. 

Q3. - (Topic 3) 

A user has created a mobile application which makes calls to DynamoDB to fetch certain data. The application is using the DynamoDB SDK and root account access/secret access key to connect to DynamoDB from mobile. Which of the below mentioned statements is true with respect to the best practice for security in this scenario? 

A. The user should create a separate IAM user for each mobile application and provide DynamoDB access with it 

B. The user should create an IAM role with DynamoDB and EC2 access. Attach the role with EC2 and route all calls from the mobile through EC2 

C. The application should use an IAM role with web identity federation which validates calls to DynamoDB with identity providers, such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook 

D. Create an IAM Role with DynamoDB access and attach it with the mobile application 



With AWS IAM a user is creating an application which runs on an EC2 instance and makes requests to AWS, such as DynamoDB or S3 calls. Here it is recommended that the user should not create an IAM user and pass the user's credentials to the application or embed those credentials inside the application. If the user is creating an app that runs on a mobile phone and makes requests to AWS, the user should not create an IAMuser and distribute the user's access key with the app. Instead, he should use an identity provider, such as Login with Amazon, Facebook, or Google to authenticate the users, and then use that identity to get temporary security credentials. 

Q4. - (Topic 3) 

A user is trying to create an EBS volume with the highest PIOPS supported by EBS. What is the minimum size of EBS required to have the maximum IOPS? 

A. 124 

B. 150 

C. 134 

D. 128 



A provisioned IOPS EBS volume can range in size from 10 GB to 1 TB and the user can provision up to 4000 IOPS per volume. The ratio of IOPS provisioned to the volume size requested should be a maximum of 30. 

Q5. - (Topic 1) 

You have been asked to automate many routine systems administrator backup and recovery activities. Your current plan is to leverage AWS-managed solutions as much as possible and automate the rest with the AWS CLI and scripts. 

Which task would be best accomplished with a script? 

A. Creating daily EBS snapshots with a monthly rotation of snapshots 

B. Creating daily RDS snapshots with a monthly rotation of snapshots 

C. Automatically detect and stop unused or underutilized EC2 instances 

D. Automatically add Auto Scaled EC2 instances to an Amazon Elastic Load Balancer 


Q6. - (Topic 1) 

The majority of your Infrastructure is on premises and you have a small footprint on AWS Your company has decided to roll out a new application that is heavily dependent on low latency connectivity to LOAP for authentication Your security policy requires minimal changes to the company's existing application user management processes. 

What option would you implement to successfully launch this application1? 

A. Create a second, independent LOAP server in AWS for your application to use for authentication 

B. Establish a VPN connection so your applications can authenticate against your existing on-premises LDAP servers 

C. Establish a VPN connection between your data center and AWS create a LDAP replica on AWS and configure your application to use the LDAP replica for authentication 

D. Create a second LDAP domain on AWS establish a VPN connection to establish a trust relationship between your new and existing domains and use the new domain for authentication 


Explanation: Reference: 

Q7. - (Topic 2) 

A root account owner has created an S3 bucket testmycloud. The account owner wants to allow everyone to upload the objects as well as enforce that the person who uploaded the object should manage the permission of those objects. Which is the easiest way to achieve this? 

A. The root account owner should create a bucket policy which allows the IAM users to upload the object 

B. The root account owner should create the bucket policy which allows the other account owners to set the object policy of that bucket 

C. The root account should use ACL with the bucket to allow everyone to upload the object 

D. The root account should create the IAM users and provide them the permission to upload content to the bucket 



Each AWS S3 bucket and object has an ACL (Access Control List. associated with it. An ACL is a list of grants identifying the grantee and the permission granted. The user can use ACLs to grant basic read/write permissions to other AWS accounts. ACLs use an Amazon S3–specific XML schema. The user cannot grant permissions to other users in his account. ACLs are suitable for specific scenarios. For example, if a bucket owner allows other AWS accounts to upload objects, permissions to these objects can only be managed using the object ACL by the AWS account that owns the object. 

Q8. - (Topic 2) 

A user has launched 10 instances from the same AMI ID using Auto Scaling. The user is trying to see the 

average CPU utilization across all instances of the last 2 weeks under the CloudWatch console. How can the user achieve this? 

A. View the Auto Scaling CPU metrics 

B. Aggregate the data over the instance AMI ID 

C. The user has to use the CloudWatchanalyser to find the average data across instances 

D. It is not possible to see the average CPU utilization of the same AMI ID since the instance ID is different 



Amazon CloudWatch is basically a metrics repository. Either the user can send the custom data or an AWS product can put metrics into the repository, and the user can retrieve the statistics based on those metrics. The statistics are metric data aggregations over specified periods of time. Aggregations are made using the namespace, metric name, dimensions, and the data point unit of measure, within the time period that is specified by the user. To aggregate the data across instances launched with AMI, the user should select the AMI ID under EC2 metrics and select the aggregate average to view the data. 

Q9. - (Topic 1) 

You have identified network throughput as a bottleneck on your m1.small EC2 instance when uploading data Into Amazon S3 In the same region. 

How do you remedy this situation? 

A. Add an additional ENI 

B. Change to a larger Instance 

C. Use DirectConnect between EC2 and S3 

D. Use EBS PIOPS on the local volume 


Explanation: Reference: 

Q10. - (Topic 3) 

An organization has launched 5 instances: 2 for production and 3 for testing. The organization wants that one particular group of IAM users should only access the test instances and not the production ones. How can the organization set that as a part of the policy? 

A. Launch the test and production instances in separate regions and allow region wise access to the group 

B. Define the IAM policy which allows access based on the instance ID 

C. Create an IAM policy with a condition which allows access to only small instances 

D. Define the tags on the test and production servers and add a condition to the IAM policy which allows access to specific tags 



AWS Identity and Access Management is a web service which allows organizations to manage users and user permissions for various AWS services. The user can add conditions as a part of the IAM policies. The condition can be set on AWS Tags, Time, and Client IP as well as on various parameters. If the organization wants the user to access only specific instances he should define proper tags and add to the IAM policy condition. 

The sample policy is shown below. 

"Statement": [ 

"Action": "ec2:*", 

"Effect": "Allow", 

"Resource": "*", 

"Condition": { 

"StringEquals": { 

"ec2:ResourceTag/InstanceType": "Production"