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AWS-SysOps Exam Questions - Online Test

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Q1. - (Topic 3) 

You have a business-to-business web application running in a VPC consisting of an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), web servers, application servers and a database. Your web application should only accept traffic from pre-defined customer IP addresses. 

Which two options meet this security requirement? Choose 2 answers A. Configure web server VPC security groups to allow traffic from your customers' IPs 

B. Configure your web servers to filter traffic based on the ELB's "X-forwarded-for" header 

C. Configure ELB security groups to allow traffic from your customers' IPs and deny all outbound traffic 

D. Configure a VPC NACL to allow web traffic from your customers' IPs and deny all outbound traffic 

Answer: A,B 

Q2. - (Topic 2) 

An organization has added 3 of his AWS accounts to consolidated billing. One of the AWS accounts has 

purchased a Reserved Instance (RI. of a small instance size in the US-East-1a zone. All other AWS accounts are running instances of a small size in the same zone. What will happen in this case for the RI pricing? 

A. Only the account that has purchased the RI will get the advantage of RI pricing 

B. One instance of a small size and running in the US-East-1a zone of each AWS account will get the benefit of RI pricing 

C. Any single instance from all the three accounts can get the benefit of AWS RI pricing if they are running in the same zone and are of the same size 

D. If there are more than one instances of a small size running across multiple accounts in the same zone no one will get the benefit of RI 



AWS consolidated billing enables the organization to consolidate payments for multiple Amazon Web Services (AWS. accounts within a single organization by making a single paying account. For billing purposes, consolidated billing treats all the accounts on the consolidated bill as one account. This means that all accounts on a consolidated bill can receive the hourly cost benefit of the Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances purchased by any other account. In this case only one Reserved Instance has been purchased by one account. Thus, only a single instance from any of the accounts will get the advantage of RI. AWS will implement the blended rate for each instance if more than one instance is running concurrently. 

Q3. - (Topic 3) 

A sysadmin has created the below mentioned policy on an S3 bucket named cloudacademy. What does this policy define? 

"Statement": [{ 

"Sid": "Stmt1388811069831", 

"Effect": "Allow", 

"Principal": { "AWS": "*"}, 

"Action": [ "s3:GetObjectAcl", "s3:ListBucket"], 

"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::cloudacademy] 


A. It will make the cloudacademy bucket as well as all its objects as public 

B. It will allow everyone to view the ACL of the bucket 

C. It will give an error as no object is defined as part of the policy while the action defines the rule about the object 

D. It will make the cloudacademy bucket as public 



A sysadmin can grant permission to the S3 objects or the buckets to any user or make objects public using the bucket policy and user policy. Both use the JSON-based access policy language. Generally if the user is defining the ACL on the bucket, the objects in the bucket do not inherit it and vice a versa. The bucket policy can be defined at the bucket level which allows the objects as well as the bucket to be public with a single policy applied to that bucket. In the sample policy the action says “S3:ListBucket” for effect Allow on 

Resource arn:aws:s3:::cloudacademy. This will make the cloudacademy bucket public. 

"Statement": [{ 

"Sid": "Stmt1388811069831", 

"Effect": "Allow", 

"Principal": { "AWS": "*" }, 

"Action": [ "s3:GetObjectAcl", "s3:ListBucket"], 

"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::cloudacademy] 


Q4. - (Topic 2) 

A user has created a photo editing software and hosted it on EC2. The software accepts requests from the user about the photo format and resolution and sends a message to S3 to enhance the picture accordingly.Which of the below mentioned AWS services will help make a scalable software with the AWS infrastructure in this scenario? 

A. AWS Glacier 

B. AWS Elastic Transcoder 

C. AWS Simple Notification Service 

D. AWS Simple Queue Service 



Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS. is a fast, reliable, scalable, and fully managed message queuing service. SQS provides a simple and cost-effective way to decouple the components of an application. The user can configure SQS, which will decouple the call between the EC2 application and S3. Thus, the application does not keep waiting for S3 to provide the data. 

Q5. - (Topic 2) 

A user is trying to aggregate all the CloudWatch metric data of the last 1 week. Which of the below mentioned statistics is not available for the user as a part of data aggregation? 

A. Aggregate 

B. Sum 

C. Sample data 

D. Average 



Amazon CloudWatch is basically a metrics repository. Either the user can send the custom data or an AWS product can put metrics into the repository, and the user can retrieve the statistics based on those metrics. The statistics are metric data aggregations over specified periods of time. Aggregations are made using the namespace, metric name, dimensions, and the data point unit of measure, within the time period that is specified by the user. CloudWatch supports Sum, Min, Max, Sample Data and Average statistics aggregation. 

Q6. - (Topic 3) 

An organization has applied the below mentioned policy on an IAM group which has selected the IAM users. What entitlements do the IAM users avail with this policy? 

"Version": "2012-10-17", 

"Statement": [ 

"Effect": "Allow", 

"Action": "*", 

"Resource": "*" 

A. The policy is not created correctly. It will throw an error for wrong resource name 

B. The policy is for the group. Thus, the IAM user cannot have any entitlement to this 

C. It allows full access to all AWS services for the IAM users who are a part of this group 

D. If this policy is applied to the EC2 resource, the users of the group will have full access to the EC2 Resources 



AWS Identity and Access Management is a web service which allows organizations to manage users and user permissions for various AWS services. The IAM group allows the organization to specify permissions for a collection of users. With the below mentioned policy, it will allow the group full access (Admin. to all AWS services. 

"Version": "2012-10-17", 

"Statement": [ 

"Effect": "Allow", 

"Action": "*", 

"Resource": "*" 

Q7. - (Topic 2) 

A user has setup connection draining with ELB to allow in-flight requests to continue while the instance is being deregistered through Auto Scaling. If the user has not specified the draining time, how long will ELB allow inflight requests traffic to continue? 

A. 600 seconds 

B. 3600 seconds 

C. 300 seconds 

D. 0 seconds 



The Elastic Load Balancer connection draining feature causes the load balancer to stop sending new requests to the back-end instances when the instances are deregistering or become unhealthy, while ensuring that inflight requests continue to be served. The user can specify a maximum time (3600 seconds. for the load balancer to keep the connections alive before reporting the instance as deregistered. If the user does not specify the maximum timeout period, by default, the load balancer will close the connections to the deregistering instance after 300 seconds. 

Q8. - (Topic 3) 

A user wants to find the particular error that occurred on a certain date in the AWS MySQL RDS DB. Which of the below mentioned activities may help the user to get the data easily? 

A. It is not possible to get the log files for MySQL RDS 

B. Find all the transaction logs and query on those records 

C. Direct the logs to the DB table and then query that table 

D. Download the log file to DynamoDB and search for the record 



The user can view, download, and watch the database logs using the Amazon RDS console, the Command Line Interface (CLI. or the Amazon RDS API. For the MySQL RDS, the user can view the error log, slow query log, and general logs. The user can also view the MySQL logs easily by directing the logs to a database table in the main database and querying that table. 

Q9. - (Topic 2) 

An admin is planning to monitor the ELB. Which of the below mentioned services does not help the admin capture the monitoring information about the ELB activity? 

A. ELB Access logs 

B. ELB health check 

C. CloudWatch metrics 

D. ELB API calls with CloudTrail 



The admin can capture information about Elastic Load Balancer using either: CloudWatch Metrics ELB Logs files which are stored in the S3 bucket CloudTrail with API calls which can notify the user as well generate logs for each API calls The health check is internally performed by ELB and does not help the admin get the ELB activity. 

Q10. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following requires a custom CloudWatch metric to monitor? 

A. Data transfer of an EC2 instance 

B. Disk usage activity of an EC2 instance 

C. Memory Utilization of an EC2 instance 

D. CPU Utilization of an EC2 instance 


Explanation: Reference: